Your Light

Your Light
Your voice your story matters let your voice be heard someone needs your star some needs the light inside of you Never let your light go out let it burn brightly for the whole world to see

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Twin flame Runner

So your
Twin flame Runner says you are only friends I hear this all too often Your Twin Is so scared that the love they feel is Isn't real or Most of the time dear soul Your twin feels as much as u do for them But the intense of being in a twin union so they know they love you with everything deep at a soul level but easier to say friends as it makes no sense to them so love them but love yourself cause being a twin is hard work Healing and letting go of things that don't sever me anymore No more self doubt for me I needed to be loved I thought I loved my self but I had to learn was a truly amazing Women I am ........

goodbye 2015

saying goodbye to 2015 oh yeah that was a ride a year of many lessons and trials many times I thought the storm would knock me over but still I stand I found out who i am really am what a tough cookie i am why I am here on earth to help others use my light teach them that the light is inside of each of us  for so many lost at sea So goodbye 2015
to the pain the feeling like i'm not good enough  I can't control the storm but I have learned to dance in the rain I am open and ready for good things

Monday, February 15, 2016

live like you believe

our minds are so powerful weather you think you can or can't u are right

we have a choose each day how we face the world do we pick up our sword and put a smile on and a song in our heart or do we let  the pain the things we can't control bring us down
i choose each day to find something to smile about today the sun is shining the birds are signing
life isn't about what others think about you or those who hurt u or abuse you life is how you overcome how u use your life for good to help others
what do u want your story to say ...........
live like u believe

Sunday, February 14, 2016

love letter to myself on valentines day

Dear Melissa 
You have come so far I am so amazied at the woman you grew in the mama bear who learned her voice and strength though losing it all 
You have grown so much you are now shining bright
Your words touch others but I think it's your passion for life and your goodness that every one loves about u you care about everyone from bringing blanket to the homeless to standing up for other's rights and yours I wanted to be come someone my littles cubs were proud of along the way
I found myself and my calling to serve others
Some days I still struggle that's okay I let those feelings come and go they don't control Me I love my smile I hope you like the cute top I bought myself
I now know that it's time to be brave and and stare my story of overcome how I came so far from the little girl who was unloved and abused she is now a warrior of light love you

What is Love

What is love
I asked others this question today As it's valentines day and I must say I was so touched by the answers
one common thing i noticed is love divine it the force god whatever you call it love is what gives us hope children know it from the moment they come into this world they feel love for mama
love heals it is everything we read about in books as if it was the greatest treasure and hear songs about love see only love look past the mistakes and the un- perfect person and feel love is being true yourself