Your Light

Your Light
Your voice your story matters let your voice be heard someone needs your star some needs the light inside of you Never let your light go out let it burn brightly for the whole world to see

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Emotional Healing

I believe our emotional health is just as important as our physical health.  When our emotions are stuffed down, it will eventually come to the surface.  When our emotions aren’t dealt with, often times, I’ve seen innocent bystanders being used as a target.  An example is road rage.  Recently, I had an unpleasant experience as an innocent bystander witnessing a very angry person taking their frustrations out on me on the road.  A few weeks ago, I was happily driving along the freeway, going the speed limit in a construction zone, (which is 55 miles per hour), listening to a great song on the radio.  I was in the far right lane, allowing other faster drivers to speed by.  Suddenly, a young female driver pulls up alongside and waves a very disrespectful gesture at me.  She continued to hold up her finger at me as she sped off to exit the freeway.  I was extremely confused as to why she was so angry at me.  I came to the conclusion that I must have not been driving fast enough for her expectations, so she had to speed around me to get to her exit, which caused her to take her anger out at me.  But was her road rage really about me?  I don’t believe so, and that is why I didn’t take it personally.  I believe the road is one place where people with unhealed emotions vent out their frustrations, but unfortunately, their explosion of anger is usually targeted at innocent people who happen to be in their way.What are unhealed emotions?  There can be unhealed emotions from life challenges such as; relationship difficulties, career difficulties, injuries, post-traumatic stress, and more.  There may even be very old, unhealed emotions that go way back to a past life.  If you experienced challenges that have prevented you from moving forward in your life due to fear, anger, sadness, grief, etc. you may be feeling stuck due to unhealed emotions.Unhealed emotions can create unhealthy patterns and situations in life, which can hold us hostage from ever moving forward.  Below are a few questions to help you explore if you may be holding on to unhealed emotions:Have you ever experienced an event in your life that has caused you a tremendous amount of emotional pain?  If so, did you allow yourself enough time to grieve after the event?  Does your heart still feel heavy when you think about that experience, or do you have a sense of peace and closure?Are you experiencing similar situations or patterns in your life that continually cause the same feelings of emotional discomfort in your body?  Do you get ‘triggered’ when someone asks you certain questions, or talks to you about a specific topic when you are at work, church, family functions, etc?Do you make excuses for your or other’s behavior, (friends, family, co-workers, etc.) even though it’s causing you emotional pain?  What do you tell yourself to help ease your emotional pain?How do we heal our emotional wounded body?  It takes courage to look at deep emotions that may have been neglected or buried for a long time.  The unhealed emotions may have been stored for weeks, months, or even years.  There is help and support available for everyone, with many options to consider, even for those on a restricted budget:Books are a great start. Libraries often carry many books for self-improvement, including emotional health.  Many emotional health books have worksheets where you can explore your feelings at a deeper level.Meet-up Groups often conduct free or low cost healing classes or workshops for like-minded individuals.If you have a larger budget, a healing retreat is a fantastic resource for healing mind, body, and spirit.One on one counseling or group counseling sessions with a professional. If budget is a challenge, you may find churches or colleges that offer counseling complimentary or by donation.Journaling is a great resource to release your emotions. By allowing yourself to express your emotions – free of any judgment, because your journal is just for your eyes only- is a great path towards healing.Taking responsibility for our own well being and healing our emotions can help heal the planet.  When we are emotionally healthy, we are naturally happier in our lives.  Happy people radiate positive energy, which deflects negative energy.  If we turn our thoughts away from negativity and choose the path of healing, imagine what our world could be like!  Possibly a world free of less stress and anger, replaced with more laughter and compassion.

Monday, August 15, 2016

10 ways to relax

Relax. You deserve it, it's good for you, and it takes less time than you think.
You don't need a spa weekend or a retreat. Each of these stress-relieving tips can get you from OMG to om in less than 15 minutes.
1. Meditate
A few minutes of practice per day can help ease anxiety . “Research suggests that daily mediation may alter the brain s neural pathways, making you more resilient to stress,
It's simple. Sit up straight with both feet on the floor. Close your eyes. Focus your attention on reciting -- out loud or silently -- a positive mantra such as “I feel at peace” or “I love myself.” Place one hand on your belly to sync the mantra with your breaths. Let any distracting thoughts float by like clouds.
2. Breathe Deeply
Take a 5-minute break and focus on your breathing. Sit up straight,eyes
 closed, with a hand on your belly. Slowly inhale through your nose, feeling the breath start in your abdomen and work its way to the top of your head. Reverse the process as you exhale through your month .
3. Be Present
Slow down.
“Take 5 minutes and focus on only one behavior with awareness,”  Notice how the air feels on your face when you’re walking and how your feet feel hitting the ground. Enjoy the texture and taste of each bite of food.
When you spend time in the moment and focus on your senses, you should feel less tense.
4. Reach Out
Your social network is one of your best tools for handling stress. Talk to others -- preferably face to face, or at least on the phone. Share what's going on. You can get a fresh perspective while keeping your connection strong.
5. Tune In to Your Body
Mentally scan your body to get a sense of how stress affects it each day. Lie on your back, or sit with your feet on the floor. Start at your toes and work your way up to your scalp, noticing how your body feels.
6. Decompress
Place a warm heat wrap around your neck and shoulders for 10 minutes. Close your eyes and relax your face, neck, upper chest, and back muscles. 
7. Laugh Out Loud
A good belly laugh doesn’t just lighten the load mentally. It lowers cortisol, your body’s stress hormone, and boosts brain chemicals called endorphin's, 
8. Crank Up the Tunes
Research shows that listening to soothing music can lower blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety 
9. Get Moving
You don’t have to run in order to get a runner’s high. All forms of exresices , including yoga and walking
10. Be Grateful
Keep a gratitude journal or several (one by your bed, one in your purse, and one at work) to help you remember all the things that are good in your life.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Reach for the sun

time, never stops
it is one thing that you can always count on sometimes you are ahead sometimes you fall down but much  like when a child falls you must get back up, that is the best advice keep trying fake it till you make it
the world moves so fast at times and children grow like little sprouts reaching for the sun,
time waits for no one it marches on, you may wonder why after all I  been though I still rise one thing I never gave up I keep reaching for the sun.