so Christmas has come and gone I love it just a magical time of the year people are a bit kinder to each other to be honest we need more that right now so many souls are struggling with worldly things like money, feeling alone, illness , this world our society can be a cold dark place this why now more than ever the world needs light to shine yesterday I was walking to lunch when a homeless man asked me for money as he sat alone in the snow i had no cash but had an apple in my bag so I gave him my apple His face lite up the world needs kindness more now than ever
don't be scared your stronger than you know and come this far and made it this far so keep going use your light the world needs your gifts
Your Light

Your voice your story matters let your voice be heard someone needs your star some needs the light inside of you Never let your light go out let it burn brightly for the whole world to see
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
you can't brake me
I’m amazing and you just don’t see the value in me. You don’t see how much love I have to give. You don’t recognize my potential, my strength. It’s okay—I’ll find someone better. I’ll find someone who sees me. I’ll find him without looking—just by being my happy, content self. By focusing on my dreams, my future, my plans, my path and by loving the journey.
But why didn’t you want me?
This questions keeps burning a hole in my mind. Obsessively, throughout my day, this feeling of rejection keeps coming back. What did I do wrong? When did things change? Was I too needy when I asked you to meet up instead of waiting for you to suggest it? Was it my body that pushed you away? Did I show too much emotion? I feel weak for having these questioning thoughts.
I was fine with my single life before I met you. I didn’t want a man. When it started, it was fun. I deserved some attention, I thought. What harm could it do? I took it lightly. I was completely in control. I was secretly surprised that you wanted me. I didn’t feel good enough. I should have known that feeling of inferiority couldn’t lead to anything real and lasting.
When did I start behaving like I wanted more out of you? Was it my inner princess, believing she must follow the fairy-tale story to be happy? Is my life incomplete until prince charming is found? But the real me—the logical me—questions these concepts. I don’t believe in allowing my social conditioning to define my views. Why is this so hard to break? Why does the princess dominate and ruin the relationship she so eagerly wants?
My princess and my logical self are like siblings in constant rivalry. The logical self is the mature, reliable and responsible older sibling. The princess is the needy, demanding, spoils younger one who dreams big and believes in hope. I am the parent, trying to control, mediate between and honor both parts of me, because neither one is inherently right or wrong.
Dear princess, you are a part of me and I will learn to accept you. Some days I hate you. You make me feel confused, vulnerable and out of control. But I can’t deny you. You are part of me and somehow you have to make sense to me. I thank you for keeping me hopeful, playful and excited by the possibility of fantasy. I thank you for giving me the strength to be vulnerable.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Why we must struggle
I often hear so many People right now whom are struggling with so many things in life
Why Well, short answer we come here to earth to learn and grow Think of each struggle in life as test not one we pass or fail but do we take the lessons from it to heart do we grow do we become better
you were given this life dear soul cause you were strong enough to life it you got this your so amazing so be amazing each day
Why Well, short answer we come here to earth to learn and grow Think of each struggle in life as test not one we pass or fail but do we take the lessons from it to heart do we grow do we become better
you were given this life dear soul cause you were strong enough to life it you got this your so amazing so be amazing each day
Sunday, November 22, 2015
15 lessons I learned
I have learned so much on my journey so far 32 lessons I learned in my life
lesson one
sometimes we must lose everything to find our self's For me this happened almost Years ago my whole world was turned upside down though this I found my self My voice and gift in helping others
lesson two
Everything happens for a reason Even I may not Always like it but I have faith in There is a bigger plan
lesson three
breathe and enjoy the little moments one day you see they are the things you miss most
lesson four
Sometimes your ahead and someways your just picking your self off the floor up
but you keep trying
lesson five
There is n such thing as perfect
lesson six
Never stop believing in yourself and dreams
lesson seven
Learn to be your best friend Find out what makes your soul crazy happy
lesson eight
Don't worry about what others think of you they are on there own path
lesson Nine
life is so short tell those you love you love em and miss em let go of ego
lesson ten
Learn from the past heal all your wounds that way they won't poison your present and future
lesson eleven
forgive those whom hurt but don't let them keep doing it sometimes we must walk away
lesson twelve
each there is something new and wonderful see the joy and wonder each day
lesson thirteen
life isn't about keeping score
lesson fourteen
kids are the biggest blessings
lesson five teen
love is worth fighting for and in the end be kind over being right
lesson one
sometimes we must lose everything to find our self's For me this happened almost Years ago my whole world was turned upside down though this I found my self My voice and gift in helping others
lesson two
Everything happens for a reason Even I may not Always like it but I have faith in There is a bigger plan
lesson three
breathe and enjoy the little moments one day you see they are the things you miss most
lesson four
Sometimes your ahead and someways your just picking your self off the floor up
but you keep trying
lesson five
There is n such thing as perfect
lesson six
Never stop believing in yourself and dreams
lesson seven
Learn to be your best friend Find out what makes your soul crazy happy
lesson eight
Don't worry about what others think of you they are on there own path
lesson Nine
life is so short tell those you love you love em and miss em let go of ego
lesson ten
Learn from the past heal all your wounds that way they won't poison your present and future
lesson eleven
forgive those whom hurt but don't let them keep doing it sometimes we must walk away
lesson twelve
each there is something new and wonderful see the joy and wonder each day
lesson thirteen
life isn't about keeping score
lesson fourteen
kids are the biggest blessings
lesson five teen
love is worth fighting for and in the end be kind over being right
Monday, September 14, 2015
Find Joy In the Little things
Find Joy In the Little things
These are the moments that make the struggles worth it
So I write my list of things that bring me Joy I started at first with a few things
as time went on my list grew and grew till I see all the blessings in my life each day
Here are few from My list I ask each one of you reading this today Start your list Even if it's one thing Then two things and watch as your list grows and soon more doors will open for you It's all about Law attraction what do want What kind of person do you want to be? How will this help You grow ?
1) I am alive
2) I am Loved by friends, my children and I love me
3) I have a car which takes me places
4) All my needs all met I have food, Roof
5) I am Supported and I care Support those around me with Love
6) I have coffee each morning
7) I laugh each day
These are the moments that make the struggles worth it
So I write my list of things that bring me Joy I started at first with a few things
as time went on my list grew and grew till I see all the blessings in my life each day
Here are few from My list I ask each one of you reading this today Start your list Even if it's one thing Then two things and watch as your list grows and soon more doors will open for you It's all about Law attraction what do want What kind of person do you want to be? How will this help You grow ?
1) I am alive
2) I am Loved by friends, my children and I love me
3) I have a car which takes me places
4) All my needs all met I have food, Roof
5) I am Supported and I care Support those around me with Love
6) I have coffee each morning
7) I laugh each day
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Angel Message 9/12
Message from Angels dear souls you are strong and powerful
you as a Twin might find yourself in the position of a spiritual healer for them. Remember that reunion can’t happen without a healed soul.
Seven Healing Questions
Seven Healing Questions and how to use them
1. What happened to you?
2. How does what happened to you affect you now?
3. How, in spite of what happened, have you been able to
4. What are the
external factors that create or maintain the Power Wound (or a personal and/or
community sense of injury)?
5. What do you need
to heal?
6. What gift have
you been able to bring forth from this experience? (What meaning does it have
in your life?)
7. What
lessons/wisdom can you share with others based on your experience with power
wounding and healing?
The Seven Healing Questions are used to inquire into your
life and your journey. They are tools for helping you to understand how
wounding happens and to begin to identify healing strategies.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
10 Tips for Loving Yourself
1. Begin your day. Remind yourself of your worthiness before
getting out of bed. Breathe in love and breathe out love. Enfold yourself in
light. Saturate your being in love.
2. Take time to meditate and journal. Spend time focusing
inward daily. Begin with five minutes of meditation and five minutes of
journaling each morning. Gradually increase this time.
3. Talk yourself happy. Use affirmations to train your mind
to become more positive.
4. Get emotionally honest. Let of go of numbing your
feelings. Shopping, eating, and drinking are examples of avoiding discomfort,
sadness, and pain. Mindfully breathe your way through your feelings and
5. Expand your interests. Try something new. Learn a
language. Go places you’ve never been. Do things you haven’t done before. You
have a right to an awesome life.
6. Enjoy life enhancing activities. Find exercise you like.
Discover healthy foods that are good for you. Turn off technology for a day and
spend time doing things that make you feel alive.
7. Become willing to surrender. Breathe, relax, and let go.
You can never see the whole picture. You don’t know what anything is for. Stop
fighting against yourself by thinking and desiring people and events in your
life should be different. Your plan may be different from your soul’s
8. Work on personal and spiritual development. Be willing to
surrender and grow. Life is a journey. We are here to learn and love on a
deeper level.
9. Own you’re potential. Love yourself enough to believe in
the limitless opportunities available to you. Take action and create a
beautiful life for yourself.
10. Be patient with yourself. Let go of urgency and fear.
Relax and transform striving into thriving. Trust in yourself, do good work,
and the Universe will reward you.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
twin flame signs
- You feel a strange, inexplicable sense of “recognition” when you meet the person. This might manifest itself as déjà vu, or an unshakable feeling that you’ve known this person before, or are somehow “meant to be together.”
- You have a feeling that they are going to play a very important role in your own development, without knowing when, why or how.
- You’ve established an immediate, intense connection with them that is invigorating and shocking at the same time.
- You feel as though you’ve finally found a “home” or safe place with the other person.
- You are able to be your authentic self – warts and all – without the fear of rejection,
persecution or judgment with them. - You both embody the yin and yang, in other words, your dark side is balanced by their light side, and their dark side is balanced by your light side.
- You feel a sense of expansion with them, as though you are larger than your limited identity.
- They make you a better person, and you make them a better person.
- When together you are both bonded but free, attached but unattached. In other words, you still maintain your freedom even though you might be in a relationship with them.
- You are finely tuned to their energy, and they are finely tuned to yours. This means that you are both very conscious of the present play of energy (whether happy or sad, angry or forgiving, open or withholding) present in the connection. You’re both therefore highly empathetic with each other.
- You feel as though you have been waiting for this person your entire life.
- You both connect deeply and mirror each other’s values and aspirations for life beyond surface similarities.
- You twin flame is a mirror of what you fear and simultaneously desire the most for your own inner healing. For example, if you are a highly-strung person, your twin flame will most likely be relaxed and messy. If you like to play the victim, your twin flame will be a strong character who refuses to give you pity or sympathy to perpetuate your complex. If you are creatively repressed, your twin flame will be a flourishing artist. In this way, our twin flames challenge and infuriate us but also teach us important lessons about our fears, core wounds and repressions.
- No matter how many times you avoid or leave your twin flame, you’re always magnetically attracted back to them. (Don’t confuse this with abusive relationship complexes.)
- One of you is more soulfully mature than the other, and often serves as the teacher, counselor or confidant within the relationship.
- You are taught important life lessons such as forgiveness, gratitude, empathy and open-mindedness by them and with them.
- Your connection is multi-faceted. In other words, your twin flame is likely your best friend, lover, teacher, nurturer and muse all at once.
- Your twin flame doesn’t try to change you. They accept you for who you are and what stage you’re at, and encourage you to do the same for yourself (and vice versa).
- You can be truthful with each other about anything.
- Together, you both feel driven towards a higher purpose, whether spiritually, socially or ecologically.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Love Finds a way
To quote William Shakespeare "the course of true love never did run smooth,"
Above all that is
happening to you today, choose love. Love embraces. Love assumes the best. Love
dares to hold to truth even when it’s hard.
Love is a good gift to offer.
Love is a decision we make because it so beautifully
reflects what god is
Friday, August 28, 2015
Everything is as it should be
Sometimes there are no words to fill the Silence
Just the simple knowing That Everything is as it should be I love that Fills me with so much comfort and Joy on the days That it's a struggle
Just the simple knowing That Everything is as it should be I love that Fills me with so much comfort and Joy on the days That it's a struggle
Thursday, August 27, 2015
unconditional love
The expression of unconditional love will eventually result in harmony. Unconditional love is not romantic love. It is the acceptance of others as they are without judgment or expectations. It is total acceptance of others without attempting to change them, except by our own positive example. The law of unconditional love says, “If you go out of your way to express unconditional love, you automatically rise above fear, and, as you transcend your fears, you automatically open to the expression of unconditional love.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
If we want to enjoy our lives and make the world a better place, this is the very best work that we can do. When you raise your vibration not only do you create your reality the way you want it to be, but you actually help everyone else out around you as well. This is because when you raise your vibration, you radiate positive energy out into the world.
1) Dance party for one be silly
2) Meditation
3) Drink lots water
4) Get outside and if you can get moving
5) Being grateful
6) Laugh and be playful
7) Eat healthy food
8) Server others
9) Stop complaining and gossiping.
10) Get or give hugs or both
1) Dance party for one be silly

3) Drink lots water
4) Get outside and if you can get moving
5) Being grateful
6) Laugh and be playful
7) Eat healthy food
8) Server others
9) Stop complaining and gossiping.
10) Get or give hugs or both
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Love is the Answer
In moments when you feel like you have given and given until there is no more of yourself to give, remember that love won't run out. God has an infinite amount of love for you and for you to pass on to others. Even at times when the well seems dry, God can send a flood. Let the flood of love wash over you and then drench everyone around you.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Total surrender
I been here before so many times taken a lot to get this point so many tears and sleepless nights some days I felt like a big toddler wanting her way kicking and Yes, screaming Very unlike me. I felt powerless which in truth I was never I had the power all a long. I started to surrender a little over a 3 ago and didn't see the change I wanted sure I strummed a lot so I thought this time would be same.Which left me one thought damn change is hard and painful but I was so done fighting it and chasing Yes I did even though I didn't think I had anything to work on myself I know I laugh at it now so finally just done with the worry when and how and all the pain and I let go and gave it to God I don't mean I gave up just stopped all my crap I was doing.Yes it was crap then slowly a peace I longed for came to me like a weight was lifted. soon after this I ran into an old friend who saw me in the beginning my dark night of soul I got into a fight (verbal ) cause she called me on my crap .when I saw her after surrender she said felt calmed just being around me I was amazed.
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